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Contact Information

Request a Consultation

Whether this request is for marriage counseling, individual, or relationship therapy, it is a courageous first step in your growth, and we highly respect you for it. Spending a few minutes in a one-on-one conversation with one of our therapists will allow you to get to know us and see if we’re the right fit for your needs. Our offices are located in Grand Junction, Colorado, and you can expect a phone call from a therapist within one business day.

We look forward to speaking with you.

We regard this request as private and confidential. We will not use this inquiry for marketing purposes.

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(970) 245-6502


561 W. Crete Circle
Grand Junction, CO 81505

Lobby Hours

Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

More skills for a better life

Give us a follow on your favorite social app. We consistently post short tips that help you to understand your world and how to make it better.

Request a consultation

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.

Request a consultation with Donna BE

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.

Request a consultation with Dr. Daniel BE

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.

More skills for a better life

delivered right to your inbox.

We consistently produce short videos and articles that help you to understand your world and how to make it better. We’ll deliver them right to your inbox.

Request a consultation with Mary Beth Luedtke

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.