Family Counseling
Parenting Skills Training
Get Connected
Parenting today is tough. Kids face a myriad of challenges, many of which are unique to this generation.
While parents may have expected their teen to grapple with alcohol, drugs, bullying, anxiety, or rebellion, the unfamiliar terrain of social distancing, gender identity, and technology addiction can add new layers of complexity to a parent’s role as protector and guide.
Without the necessary emotional skills for navigating this new terrain, parents often default to tighter controls, ultimatums, and punishments in a well-intended attempt to protect and guide their children. Unfortunately, these methods often divide families and undermine the ultimate goal of teaching our children to become discerning and wise young adults.
Family Therapy at BEing There provides training in the parenting skills you need to navigate challenges, create connection, and parent with confidence.
What to Expect
Deciding to enter family therapy is not always an easy step. Still, it is an important start to building greater connection and harmony in your family.
Family therapy is a type of counseling that focuses on improving the health of the relationships within a family unit. The therapy may involve the entire family or specific family members meeting with one of our skilled therapists in a series of 90-minute therapeutic sessions.
Family therapy is a skill-building process that uses the specific issues and challenges you face as a training ground for building emotional skills that create healthier family dynamics. During family therapy sessions, we will help each family member gain greater insight and understanding into their behavior patterns and how they may be contributing to the problems they are experiencing. We will then guide your family through a process that improves communication, prepares each of you to claim more self-responsibility while simultaneously disowning the responsibility of others, and teaches cooperative strategies for creating a healthier connection with each other.
Overall, family therapy is a collaborative process aiming to build the emotional skills you need to create healthy relationships. We hope to help your family better understand each other and work through challenges in supportive and constructive ways.
Start Learning
Watch brief videos of our therapists offering their unique insight into common family and parenting issues, and the types of skills learned in therapy at BEing There.
I Swore I’d Never Do That!
Too Busy
Back to School
Parenting a Struggling Teen
Being Present
Fix My Kid!<br>The Role of a Family Therapist
Parenting The Digital Generation
I Swore I’d Never Do That!
Too Busy
Back to School
Parenting a Struggling Teen
Being Present
Request a Consultation
Whether this request is for marriage counseling, individual, or relationship therapy, it is a courageous first step in your growth, and we highly respect you for it. Spending a few minutes in a one-on-one conversation with one of our therapists will allow you to get to know us and see if we’re the right fit for your needs. Our offices are located in Grand Junction, Colorado, and you can expect a phone call from a therapist within one business day.
We look forward to speaking with you.
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