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Couples Skills Class

Learn How to Build a Healthier Relationship

with Dr. Daniel BE, Licensed Psychologist

For forty years, BEing There has been developing tangible skills and tools to help couples create greater connection and intimacy. Through a careful process of research, adaptation, and evolution, we have identified specific emotional skills that have proven to be effective in creating a healthier relationship. This Couples Skills class trains you in the most critical and foundational skills you and your partner need to build a healthier relationship.

Couples Skills Class

Relationships don't come with an instruction manual, but this class is the guidance you and your partner need to restore and create deeper connection.

This six-week Couples Skills class is grounded in practical, tangible skills and tools necessary for strong, healthy, connected relationships. See for yourself why thousands of couples have benefited from learning these emotional skills.

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What Will We Learn?

This class is focused on the most important emotional skills that lead to a healthier, more fulfilling relationship, including:

  • How to cultivate the qualities and values most important in your relationship.
  • Training to better understand what causes relationship issues and how to approach them differently.
  • Tangible communication skills for effectively working through conflicts.

We invite you and your partner to join this class to create the relationship you truly desire together.

Why Emotional Skills Work in Relationships

As social beings, we all desire healthy, fulfilling relationships, but sometimes struggle to fit all the necessary pieces together to form the cohesive picture we want. As frustrating as that can be, it has absolutely nothing to do with how smart or capable you are in other areas of your life.

Relationship satisfaction stems from the deepest part of our brain that operates on an emotional level. We commonly say we love someone, but have you ever noticed how hard it is to describe why you love someone? We might say they’re intelligent, or funny, or handsome, but those descriptions fail to capture our sense of love. That’s because our emotional experiences and our ability to logically form words and sentences use completely different parts of our brain. We feel love, we don’t just think it or describe it. Similarly, we feel trust, connection, respect, attraction, and other key emotional qualities of a healthy relationship.

Just like your ability to solve a math problem requires learning the necessary mental skills, or your ability to ride a unicycle requires developing the necessary physical skills, creating healthy, trusting, deeply connected relationships necessitates learning emotional skills.

Meet Your Guide

Dr. Daniel BE has dedicated his career to helping couples create deeply satisfying relationships.

As the son of the founders of BEing There, Dr. BE has been immersed in the real-world practical application of emotional skills and tools for his whole life. Once he chose to pursue psychology professionally, Dr. BE used his time at both Clark University and the University of Colorado at Boulder to focus his research on intimate relationships. He has authored and co-authored scientific publications and academic book chapters in this domain. Within both his doctoral training and the VA system, he received extensive training and certification from nationally recognized relationship specialists in evidence-based relationship counseling.

Dr. BE continues to learn and develop the therapeutic processes at BEing There to help couples cultivate healthier relationships more effectively and efficiently. He continues to practice what he teaches within his own relationship and family.

How Do We Sign Up?

Signing-up for Couples Skills class is easy.

You and your partner can choose to attend the six-week class in-person at our office in Grand Junction, Colorado, for a more interactive experience (limited to 8 couples) or attend virtually through Zoom from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the country.

Next Couples Skills Class
Dates for the next class are coming soon
Six class sessions are held weekly at 5:00 p.m. and include one hour of lecture followed by Q&A and discussion

In-person: $750 per couple
Virtually: $500 per couple

Call our office at (970) 245-6502 or complete the form below to register.

Give us a call, we’ll be happy to answer all of your questions.

Special Offer

For those looking to receive our full, undivided attention for the entire workshop, we offer this class as a series of private workshops scheduled at your convenience.

Private Workshop: $2,850 per couple

Call our office at
(970) 245-6502 or complete the form below to register for a private workshop.

Register for
Couples Skills

You can expect a personal phone call from Dr. BE to confirm your registration for this class. He will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about how this class can provide skills that will help you and your partner become more connected.

Request a consultation

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.

Request a consultation with Donna BE

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.

Request a consultation with Dr. Daniel BE

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.

More skills for a better life

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Request a consultation with Mary Beth Luedtke

We regard this request for consultation as important, personal, and private. We will never use this request for marketing purposes. You can expect a return call from our office within one business day.