2-minute read — by BTES Staff

As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread across the country, the seeds of anxiety and uncertainty are taking root in our society in ways many of us have never experienced. The societal effects are palpable, and we find ourselves living in a foreign-feeling society fraught with disruption and uncertainty. This is a very unsettling time and many people are feeling anxious, something we understand and help people deal with everyday.

While the invitation during such times is to hole-up and eliminate everything except essential survival functions, isolation can have the unexpected consequence of breeding greater anxiety and fear. Even if you are choosing to limit your physical exposure in the world, now is a good time to put more energy and effort into reaffirming your support network. Call a close friend to let them know you’re with them, eager to talk through their experience, and available to help if they need it. Talk to a grandparent or elder who may have lived through times of shortage, rationing, and social unrest and ask them questions about their experience. While the current social climate may seem foreign to many of us, previous generations have experienced similar conditions and have real wisdom to share.

Times of uncertainty and anxiety also call for the effective utilization of counseling. A professional therapist can help you deal with your experience in a meaningful way, and learn how to navigate challenging times in life.

BEing There will help you get through this extraordinary time. We will continue to provide counseling services here in our offices, however, if you find yourself choosing to limit your contact with the outside world, we will also provide individual, couples, and group counseling services through a secure internet video connection. We want you to continue to be able to explore and settle all of the situations causing you distress or limiting your growth. That’s what we are here for now and always.

Call our main office phone number at (970) 245-6502 if you’d like to schedule a video therapy session.

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