2-minute read — by BTES Staff

Most people exist in a frenzy of scheduled activities and lengthy task lists. This is commonly driven by an unspoken desire to feel useful, competent, and valuable. Yet, the results are often nothing like the intention: Living in a state of busyness creates a sense of disconnection from your genuinely meaningful priorities, distance and tension in significant relationships, and internal emptiness.

Important relationships become distant, routine, and independent when partners are just too busy to dedicate the time and energy necessary to cultivate greater connection. While getting a lot done in a day may provide some superficial satisfaction, it’s a very different experience from spending time with your loved ones listening, talking, understanding, and engaging in a meaningful way.

Many people are skillful in planning a busy day. But very few people have been taught the emotional skills needed to create a pace of life that reflects their deeper values and allows for genuine connection to be nurtured. Learning these skills is not always easy or without sacrifice, but with the help of a skilled therapist you can learn to identify and deal with the issues that stand between you and the life you truly want.

Tomorrow is a new day. Will you be too busy yet again, or are you ready to get off of life’s hamster wheel and make each day count toward something meaningful?

Keep ’em coming.

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